A truly tragic story.

A confession.

The First Offense.
Further comparison.
The Second Offense.
The Third Offense.
Idle Threats.
My reasoning.
Several months passed. I was sitting in a chatroom for a storyline entitled Blue Moon, when who should enter, but Kat. Naturally, I was surprised to see her, considering she had blocked me from AOL and avoided myself and my friends as if we were the plague ( except for the few times she entered our rooms to spout of a few angry, childish things before leaving ).
I was far more surprised to recieve an instant message from her.
The following is the conversation we had, including a confession to her crimes.
tragic   skyline:  I know that we've had a bad past. And it's my fault. But I wanted to know if you'd be cool if I joined the Blue Moon Storyline.
bIack cadillacs:  It's not my storyline; I have no sway. It's up to you. And, yeah. We have had a pretty shitty past.
tragic   skyline:  The only reason why I'm asking is so that we don't clash if I do, and if I'm accepted into the storyline.
bIack cadillacs:  I'm really not very sure.
bIack cadillacs:  I'd be more inclined to put it all behind me, if you'd just been honest. And I'm not wanting to turn this into a war of the words and open up some old arguement. But it's hard to forget something like that.
tragic   skyline:  Fair enough.
bIack cadillacs:  I am more than willing to be cool with you, if you'll admit what you did. And I'm not doing this so I can be like, `hah! We win!` It's a personal thing. I need to know the wrong has been righted.
tragic   skyline:  I am admitting to it, Cassie.
bIack cadillacs:  I really appreciate that.
bIack cadillacs:  And don't ever, ever do it again. Because shutting you down is sort of a pain in our ass.
tragic   skyline:  Understood.
bIack cadillacs:  Sweet.
bIack cadillacs:  We can co-exist in the SL, and I won't cross RP. But I don't think we can get to a place where we'll be friends again, considering everything that went down. I will be nice to you, though. Promise.
tragic   skyline:  I'm not asking for your friendship, Cassie. Personally, that's the last thing I want. I do however want to be involved in the storyline, and without clashing. Thus the reason why we're having this conversation.
bIack cadillacs:  Ahw -- why wouldn't you want to be my friend? I'm a sweet, sweet girl.
bIack cadillacs:  Very forgiving.
bIack cadillacs:  Bah, sorry. Anyway. Yes. We can co-exist. Apply to your heart's content, and I won't say anything bad about you to the mod.
tragic   skyline:  You said it yourself, you don't think that we'd get to that point. If you decide otherwise that you would want to get to that point again, that's fine. But at the moment, the co-existing in the storyline, and nothing more is all I want.
bIack cadillacs:  Sounds fine to me.
A written confession, for all to see. As well as a promise never to plagiarize from us again.
As you will see on the following page, entitled "The Third Offense," she has broken her word.

Third time's a charm.